Thursday, 3 May 2018

(POST 56) - Evaluation Question 4 - How did you use media technologies to in the construction of research, planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation Question 4 - How did you use media technologies to  in the construction of  research, planning and evaluation stages?

This year indifferent to AS, we learned and gained access to a wider platform of media technology to express our ideas and create a more professional outtake on our final A2 music video. Over this year me and Luke learnt a lot with technology having taken this subject with little experience or knowledge on the technology available too us therefore it was a great challenge but the skills we have since acquired have excelled our ability to produce a music video we are both proud of. This question splits the technology into the construction of planning, research and evaluation where we had to vary our use to make efficient use and creative use of the tasks given. Below is a mind map which shows you what Media Technology we used and in what stage of the music video construction we used those factors.
In this course, me and Luke both split from our groups from As and joined together as a completely new pair with little experience. We both knew what was at stake and did tonnes of  Research  relevant to the course with the target of achieving a high grade professional music video. This included the use of Photoshop and I-movie which suited us better if we understood as for editing purposes, we both had access to a mac book rather than windows which made a more efficient use of our time and helped us develop our A2 grade on a portable level.

Technology examples include uses of Photoshop, I-Movie and modern and more expensive Video Cameras which we had no experience in which we had to learn and improve in order to progress from AS and separate us in terms of quality from last years work.

This is an example of a piece of work which arose from Photoshop which we created as a pair from scratch,being a completely original piece of work with knowledge we only acquired this year rather than last. I believe this work overcomes last years and makes our skills seem a lot more professional and a better standard from our AS end of year work.

In the factor of planning we used blogger, similar to last year to document our progress and show the public what we have achieved and built up over the year which helps us keep organised and up to date. This was a simple platform for our project and was easy to keep track and promote our progress. More so, we used the likes of Prezzie and Photoshop, two things we haven''t used before with no experience in therefore, by gaining the ability to use these tools we could enhance our capabilities and work harder with a better professional and better quality tint to our project. Without these tools we would not be satisfied with our work and would feel pressure as other tools do not contain quality withheld by the likes of Photoshop.

We used the most known tools of the likes of the internet and YouTube to gather research and browse the web to gather information relevant to our A2 course. We used smartphones to gain access to these media platforms and this helped us gain access on a portable level which helped us work away from the classroom. This helped us compare our music video and brainstorm original ideas based on the effort of other videos and with belief on how we could improve. This helped us get attention of Wes Anderson, who's style we implemented on our music video with using the centre of the shot to place characters to make shots seem symmetrical

For our evaluation we used I-Movie indifferent to Adobe Premier Pro from AS which was more simple with advanced editing tools to which made editing more fun and a higher standard of quality. I-movie was more practical for our group as we both had access to I-mac rather than Windows or adobe. More so, the improved camera's which came at a greater expense exposed greater quality shots and visuals which improved our visual representation of our music video but again needed us to learn and understand how to handle and work such a expensive media product.

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